Although there are lots of ways to make it, most of us want restaurant-style, spicy egg curry. That perfect blend of tomatoes, onions and spices that you can’t get enough of.

Eggs are the ultimate powerhouse food!
Eggs are extremely versatile.
They are also rich in protein.
Eggs are the ultimate powerhouse food! Not only are they extremely versatile, but they are also rich in protein, making them perfect for a healthy diet. Sure, you’ve probably had them in omelettes, sandwiches or even salads, but have you tried the classic egg curry? This is one of those dishes that is very satisfying and comforting. Although there are lots of ways to make it, most of us want restaurant-style, spicy egg curry. That perfect blend of tomatoes, onions and spices that you can’t get enough of. But sometimes, when we make it at home, it is not that effective. However, don’t worry! If you want your egg curry to taste like the one from your favorite restaurant, avoid these common mistakes.
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These 5 mistakes should be avoided while making classic egg curry:
1. Not keeping things in the right order
Patience is key when making the best egg curry. The order in which you add your content matters more than you think! Don’t rush and put everything in at once – this can completely spoil the taste. Taking your time to add the ingredients in the right order will make a big difference.
2. Use of old spices
Have you ever used up that spice jar that’s been sitting in your pantry for months? Yes, this is a big mistake! Ground spices lose their flavor and aroma very quickly, so using old spices can make your curry taste bland and bland. For best taste, always choose freshly ground spices. Trust me, your curry will thank you for it.
3. Not frying spices properly
The secret of delicious curry lies in the perfectly roasted spices. When cooking, make sure you take time to fry your onions, tomatoes and spices properly. If you are using whole spices like cardamom, black pepper or cloves, fry them in oil first. If you’re using ground spices, you’ll notice oil separate when done right – that’s your cue that it’s time to move on.
4. Use of cold water
This is one of the biggest mistakes! When you add cold water while roasting the spices, they will not cook properly and the curry will not get the deep flavor that you want. Keep your water at room temperature and add it carefully to maintain the consistency of your gravy. Too much water and it will be too runny – no one wants that!
5. Not boiling eggs properly
If you have ever eaten egg curry with overcooked or undercooked eggs, you know how it can completely ruin the dish. Boil your eggs properly – they should be completely cooked. And here’s a little pro tip: before adding them to the curry, make a small cut on the surface of each egg and fry them lightly in a little oil. This small step will make your curry full of flavour.
So the next time you feel like having a classic egg curry, follow these simple tips and enjoy delicious results!