Recently, nutritionist Lovnit Batra took on Instagram on Instagram on Instagram how your protein passion could be the reason behind your quick aging.

We all know how important it is to include protein in our daily diet. It helps in creating and repairing our tissues and muscles, which gives us overall power. To ensure that we are consuming sufficient amount, many of us rely on protein powder, shake and other supplements. Additionally, we make a conscious effort to include protein -rich foods such as eggs, meat, yogurt and cheese in our diet. Certainly, it is beneficial for our health, but do you know that eating too much protein can be harmful? When consumed in excess, it can lead to various health problems and even accelerate aging. Yes, you read that right. Recently, nutritionist Lovnit Batra took on Instagram on Instagram on Instagram how your protein passion could be the reason behind your quick aging.
Also read: Full vs incomplete protein: What makes them different? Find out here
What happens if you eat too much protein? Here Lovet Batra revealed:
According to Loovanete, a lot of rely on protein powder and animal -based protein can trigger glycacations – a process that rigid tissues, causing wrinkles, joint rigidity and oxidative stress. Not only this, but it can also disrupt your metabolism by creating a protein imbalance in the body, possibly increase insulin resistance and inflammation. She further emphasizes that excessive use of protein shake can overload the body with artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Therefore, while protein is essential in your diet, it is important that how much you consume.
So, what is the right way to consume protein?
Now when you know that excessive protein consumption can be harmful, what is the right way to eat it? Batra says that first it should be determined how much protein his body really needs. This means calculating kilograms of body weight, which depends on how physically you are active. She further recommends choosing for plant-based proteins that are alkaline in nature on animal-based proteins. These include lentils, quinoa, tofu, nuts and seeds. Additionally, she suggests these protein sources to be balanced with foods rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E. High fresh fruits and vegetables in the lovenite also highlight the importance of using protein, which select clean, whole food protein sources rather than rely daily.
Also read: 5 protein mistakes are made by women that can break their health goals
Watch the full video below:
See this post on InstagramPost shared by Lovneet Batra (@Lovneetb)
Common signal you are not getting enough protein:
- Problems of hair, skin and nails
- Muscle weakness and fatigue
- fatty liver
- Increased appetite and crawings
- Delayed wound healing
- Increased sensitivity to infection
So, next time you arrive for the source of protein, keep these tips in mind!