Online shopping often comes with discounts and deals, but an incident on Swiggy Instamart recently drew attention to offer “Rs 5,00,000 free cash”. Many reddit users have claimed that it was a mess. A viral post on R/India features “Rs 4,000 to Rs 5,00,000 for free cash” on Swiggy Instamart. According to the post, many users took advantage of this proposal, and their orders were successfully distributed. However, Swiggy reportedly approached users, informed them about a mess and requested to return items.
The post includes screenshots of the Swiggy App that shows successfully placed orders for expensive items such as fire TV sticks, vacuum cleaners and speakers. The title of The Post reads, “Somebody is definitely losing his job in Swiggy.”
See full post here:
Someone is definitely losing his job in Swiggy
Byu/technical -relation -9 in India
Disclaimer: NDTV cannot verify the claims made in Reddit post independently.
The post has given rise to mixed reactions. While some called it a mess, others estimated that it was a marketing stunt.
A user wrote, “It seems that they launched a proposal, but the possibility set the settings messed up.”
Another comment, “This is a marketing gimmick, okay? I know I know that 40- Rs 100 of rupees. Has anyone really got this much discount?”
A user shared, “My friend received Rs 4,000, and was ordered.”
Another pinch, “It also showed 4 lakh rupees for me. I felt that this is some random loan scheme.”
NDTV has reached Swiggy for a reaction and will update this report when they answer.