Here’s how these fruits might be causing you to become chilly and congested.


As part of a food allergy or intolerance, the immune system’s reaction to some fruits can cause symptoms including stomach pain and congestion in the nose, G Sushma said.


Fruits are an important part of our diets, from pre-workouts to cool summer drinks. Even while we enjoy testing out new foods, there are occasions when we can unintentionally be committing to a life full of farts and sneezes. Rumor has it that colds and congestion can be brought on by undigested fruit.

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According to Sushma, there is no proof that colds and congestion are caused by undigested fruit. One type of viral illness brought on by the rhinovirus is the cold. Still, there are a few circumstances in which fruits could trigger a response akin to congestion and cold.

She also mentioned that symptoms like stomach pain and nasal congestion might occur when the immune system reacts to specific fruits in the setting of a food allergy or intolerance.

“One substance that the body produces in response to allergies is histamine. If you have a fruit allergy, eating fruit causes your body to release histamine as an immunological reaction. This frequently results in runny nose and sneezing. Histamine-rich fruits including oranges, bananas, papayas, and cherries can cause these kinds of responses, according to Dr. Sushma.

Fruits that are not fully digested can ferment. This may result in bloating and gas reflux pain. These symptoms might be misconstrued because they resemble congestion, the spokesperson stated.

She said that dyspepsia and colds are more common in those whose immune systems are compromised.


What then is the remedy?

Dr. Sushma suggested adhering to your doctor’s diet guidelines and limitations and speaking with a healthcare provider to find out if you have any food sensitivities.

Avoiding fruits high in vitamin C is advised if consuming certain nutrients, such vitamin C, might exacerbate pre-existing health issues. Instead of eating the same fruit every day, consider including a variety of fruits into your diet and enjoying them in moderation, the expert said.

For a well-balanced diet, she also recommended including fresh veggies, seeds, nuts, and protein sources.

When is the ideal time to eat fruit?

Fruit consumption is influenced by a number of variables, including dietary preferences and personal health. Fruits should be consumed in moderation since too much might have unfavorable side effects, according to Dr. Sushma.
She said that while eating fruits on an empty stomach promotes greater nutritional absorption and that the natural sugars in fruits may boost energy, they may also be a healthy option for between-meal or post-meal snacks.



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