There is nothing more disappointing than working with a blunt knife that does not pieces through something as tomatoes. You have raised a weightstone, a knife sharp kit or a piece wheel to maintain your knife, but they have never been out of their packaging. Like you, most of us are very lazy to install these devices and then intensify the knife, leaving only without any concrete success. For all of you kitchen warriors, I am going to reveal a secret weapon in your culinary arsenal: your coffee mug!
Do you have a ceramic mug or plate at home? Well, all this you need! Your mug can keep your knife faster and ready for action until you detect a long -term solution.
Also read: How to speed up the blade of mixer grinder at home – expert suggestions
Can you intensify the knife with a coffee mug?
If you look closely, most of the ceramic mugs have a rough, unrelated ring, which can be used as a sharp stone to give your knife a quick tune. All you have to do is to reverse the mug on a flat surface, hold the mug in one hand firmly in one hand and face away the edge of your knife across the ring at a 45 degree angle. Keep switching the sides after every stroke. Then just wash it with water.
alert: Always be sure to remove the knife from food and cover the working surface. You do not want small, invisible ceramic particles to fall in your diet and on your kitchen shelf. Therefore, it is also important to wash your knife properly after intensifying it. And be very careful by intensifying all types of knives to cut your skin and avoid hurting yourself.
Memorization: This coffee mug hack will give your knife a sharp edge in a pinch, but it will only last for a few days, then back into a square. Therefore, consider this hack as a short -term solution when you are out of time or out of proper sharping gadgets.
Also read: Kitchen Tips: Pankaj Bhadoria shares tips to catch and use a knife
Watch this video how it is done:
What is the best way to intensify the knife?
While this ceramic coffee works perfectly in the event of a trick crisis, it would be a good idea that invest in long -term solutions such as an electric sharpener, an emergency wheel or even a weightstone if you can learn to use it. Meanwhile, this coffee mug hack may be your go-to.
Now there will never be a dull moment in the kitchen. The next time your knife is dull, just arrive for your coffee mug and give those blades a quick respect. PS: You can also use your ceramic plates and bowls with a uniform bottom ring.