Imane Khalif has 5-alpha reductase deficiency and is biologically male, we break down what the medical report saysWe covered 5-alpha reductase deficiency for youWhat happens when a child has 5-SRD DSD?here’s the catchWhat are the other revelations in Imane Khalif’s medical report?Yet why was he selected?
Imane Khalif has 5-alpha reductase deficiency and is biologically male, we break down what the medical report says
French journalist Daffar et Oudia revealed the medical report of Algerian boxer Imane Khalif. Khalif was born to parents who were “probably co-blood relatives” and was raised as a girl. Pelvic MRI shows the absence of a uterus, and the presence of a microscopic penis in the form of gonads and testicles, a blind vagina, and clitoral hypertrophy in its abdomen. We’ve broken down the report for you.

Olympic gold medalist Imane Khalife confirmed as male
A medical report accessed by a French journalist Daffar in Odia Algerian boxer exposed imane khalifaGender of. Screenshot of the report posted by the French journalist lereporter It was revealed that “the Caliph is influenced by 5-alpha reductase deficiencyA disorder of sex development that is found only in biological males.” The report further states that “Male infants affected by 5-alpha reductase deficiency are often misassigned to female infants due to the presence of malformed genitalia Which sometimes take shape. Presence of ‘blind vaginal sac’.”

We covered 5-alpha reductase deficiency for you
5-alpha reductase deficiency (5-ARD disorder of sex development (DSD)) is a genetic disorder of an enzyme (a protein) called 5-alpha reductase that is absent or defective in males. This enzyme converts the male hormone testosterone into its more potent form called dihydrotestosterone. It plays an important role in helping in the development of male external genitalia in the embryo.
At a very early stage in fetal life, in males and females, the sex organs and external genitalia are inseparable and they even look similar. However, in the first few months, the testicles of the male fetus begin to produce testosterone and 10% of it is converted to dihydrotestosterone. It is used in the manufacture of genital skin.
Dihydrotestosterone levels increase over time and the genitalia begin to differentiate between male and female.

When the baby is in the womb, the genital areas of both men and women remain the same (see diagram). There is a genital tubercle, which is a projection; Below that is a urethral canal. Next comes the urogenital or future urethra and external opening of the bladder and is surrounded by the urethral folds and labioscrotal swelling.
In males, when dihydrotestosterone reaches this structure it causes the genital tubercle to elongate into the penis which eventually becomes the penis. The elongated genital tubercle pulls up the urethral folds which join in the midline and form the penile urethra. The tips forming the external urethral opening remain unfused. The labioscrotal swellings fuse proximally to form the scrotum, which contains the testicles.
In women, the gonads (a gland that produces hormones in both men and women) turn into ovaries that produce very small amounts of androgens (testosterone family). The labioscrotal and urethral openings remain separate, and it surrounds the vaginal opening. These developments occur during the baby’s first four months while he or she is still a fetus.
What happens when a child has 5-SRD DSD?
5-ARD DSD There is a mutation in the gene SRD5A2 that reduces the amount of 5 alpha-reductase enzyme. In this case, both copies of the gene would have to be mutated and the person would have to be genetically male, with one X and one Y chromosome in each cell.
Since dihydrotestosterone has no role in female genitalia with two In this case, testosterone is not converted into dihydrotestosterone because the 5 alpha reductase enzyme is missing.
In such cases, while the male internal sex organs are present, the external genitalia follow the female path of development. The penis is not fully elongated and looks like something between the clitoris and the penis head. The scrotum remains divided into two parts, which is known as bifid scrotum. The opening of the urethra remains on the underside of the penis, a condition called hypospadias.
The genitalia do not appear clearly male or female and are therefore called “ambiguous genitalia”. However, due to non-fusion of the scrotum and urethral opening, the baby is determined to be female at birth.
here’s the catch
Testosterone levels increase drastically during puberty. Even though it can’t be converted into dihydrotestosterone, there is so much testosterone around that the penis and scrotum become larger and begin to look like male genitalia. The person’s muscles also grow, the voice becomes deeper and facial hair appears.
Although it cannot be diagnosed in infants, laboratory studies may indicate a high testosterone to dihydrotestosterone ratio. The karyotype showing the presence of X and Y chromosomes in the infant does not match the gonads, which may indicate a 5-ARD DSD.
Treatment includes hormone replacement therapy according to the individual’s preferred gender role and surgical procedures.
What are the other revelations in Imane Khalif’s medical report?

The report was presented in June 2023 by endocrinologists Soumya Fedala and Jacques Young. It noted that such cases are diagnosed late and that Imane “will undergo surgical correction and hormonal therapy as well as continued psychological support as she has been observed to have a very significant neuropsychiatric effect.”
in french journalist lereporter Writes that she was born to parents who were “probably consanguineous” and was raised as a girl. Pelvic MRI shows the absence of a uterus and the presence of a microscopic penis in the form of gonads, testicles in her abdomen (as added in the portal’s editor’s note), a blind vagina and clitoral hypertrophy.
Yet why was he selected?
lereporter It has also been speculated that International Olympic Committee member Mustafa Barraf “passed the file” on Imane Khalif. The IOC submitted this report, however, the IOC responded that “the selection committee does not base itself on medical analysis and makes sovereign decisions,” as stated in the report. lereporter,
Please note that the quoted report is translated from French into English.
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