World Cancer Day 2025: Is your bone pain a warning sign for cancer? Expert Answer (Image Credit: ISTOCK)
Bone tumors can make scared sounds, but not all of them are cancer. They can be gentle (non-cancer) or deadly (cancer), and while the latter needs immediate medical attention, even benign tumors can cause pain, fracture, or deformity.
To know more, we Manit Gundavada, advisor, orthopedic oncology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, talked with Mumbai, to share insight on bone tumors, can improve their risk factors and early diagnosis and special care results.
What are bone tumors? Bone tumors occur when abnormal cells grow within or near the bone. They have been classified:
1. Gentle tumor – These are non-cancer, but can still cause discomfort. Examples include osteochondromas and giant-cell tumors. Dr. Gundavada explains, “Even though benign tumors are not fatal, they can release pain, structural issues and even fractures.”
2. Malignant tumors – These include osteosarcoma and sarcoma of ewing, which originates in the bone. In addition, some cancers, such as breasts, prostates, or lung cancer, can spread to bones, making them a metastatic bone tumor.
Can bone tumor be stopped?
While there is no silly way to prevent bone tumors, knowing about risk factors can help quickly find out. Dr. Gundavada shares major factors that increase the risk:
– Genetics: “Some hereditary conditions, such as Li-Formi syndrome or many hereditary many exostos, greatly increase the possibility of bone tumors,” they say.
– Radiation Risk: Childhood contact is a known risk for high dose radiation therapy.
– Paget’s disease: A bone disorder that occurs in older adults and can sometimes give birth to osteosarcoma.
– Metastatic Cancer: “People with cancer history should know from the history of breasts, prostate or lung cancer that they can spread to bones,” he said.
It is important to detect initial detection. Dr. Gundavada recommends high-risk people to undergo regular imaging and check-ups to catch any unusual bone development in the initial stage.
Fractures can be a major concern for patients whose cancer has spread to bones. “Metastatic bone tumors weaken the bones, causing them to be highly prone to fractures, causing severe pain and loss of mobility,” Dr. Gundavada explains.
Major strategies include preventing fractures and maintaining the quality of life:
– Bone-firm drugs: Medications such as bisphosphonates and danosumab help reduce bone loss and reduce the risk of fracture.
– Preventive surgery: In some cases, delicate bones are reinforced through internal determination or cement growth to prevent brakes.
– Balance nutrition and physiotherapy: “Weight-bearing exercises should be done carefully, and supervised physiotherapy plays an important role in maintaining dynamics,” they recommend.
How musculoskeletal oncology helps in diagnosis and treatment
Musculoskeletal oncology is a special area focused on the diagnosis and treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors. Dr. Gundavada bone tumor designs three columns of treatment:
1. Accurate diagnosis “Advanced imaging including MRI, CT scan and biopsy, helps us determine the exact type and phase of the tumor,” Dr. Gundavada says. Initial and accurate diagnosis determines the foundation for effective treatment.
2. Personal treatment plans
A multidisciplinary team – including orthopedic oncologist, radiologist, and physiotherapists – work together to create an optimal treatment strategy, which can include:
– Surgery: Limb-equipment procedures or tumor removal when stabilizing the bone.
– Chemotherapy and radiation: Tumors are used to shrink or manage metastatic matters.
– Rehabilitation: Medicine and artificial support after treatment to restore mobility.
3. Advanced and targeted treatment
With minimal invasive techniques and targeted treatments, treatment has become more effective with less complications. “Bone tumor treatment landscape is developing, and new approaches provide better long -term results,” Dr. Gundavada says.
Bone tumors, whether gentle or deadly, require attention and specialist care. Initial detection, awareness and special treatment improves significantly. “If you experience persistent bone pain, swelling, or unexplained fractures, do not ignore it – seek medical evaluation,” Dr. He urges Gundavada.
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