Brain hack for exam stress: breathe, stretch, write, repeat!


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Brain hack for exam stress: breathe, stretch, write, repeat!

Examination season can be heavy, but practicing mental health exercises effectively helps to manage stress.

Image – Canva

This can be one of the most stressful times of a student’s life: pressure to perform, long -term study hours, and less time to relax. However, the key lies in Mental health Practice involved in a daily routine to help handle stress to handle and keep a sharp focus on things.
Here are some strategies that are very effective to keep your brain sharp and flexible during the exam season:.
1. Deep breath Techniques
When it becomes difficult, breathing exercises can calm the mind. A simple technique is to breathe through the nose for the counting of four and hold the breath for four cases, and then for six cases slowly exhale through the mouth. Such practice is known as diaphragm breathing, which activates the body’s rest reaction and reduces anxiety and promotes concentration.
2. Conscious Attention
There is a process of focusing on the present without a mindfulness decision. Five to ten minutes of daily attention can help reset your brain and reduce concerns on exams. Apps are available in apps designed to help with stress management. Or you can simply sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breath or a cool word.
3. Progressive muscle exemption (PMR)
PMR is a technique that you put in stress and gradually relax each muscle group of your body, starting from toes to head. This not only helps to relieve stress in your physical body, but also makes you feel calm; Thus, it is great for preparation before bed or break.
4. Journaling for clarity
Writing your thoughts can be highly medical. Five minutes of your evening to write all your concerns, achievements or plans for the next day. This is something that helps to process your feelings, track sources of stress and organize the preferences of study.
5. Movement breaks
Physical activity is known as a certain-shot stress-buster. A 10 -minute walk or quick stretching session can elevate your mood and activate your brain. If the time allows, try yoga, which combines physical movement with mindfulness.
6. Positive intelligence
Confirmation like “I’m enabled” or “I am ready” can help move your mindset and create confidence. Repeating or writing them loudly can strengthen a positive attitude, especially when she creeps into self-doubt.
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Mental health
Deep breath
Movement breaks
Positive intelligence
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