Disha Patani always posts great looks on her social media feed. Recently, she uploaded a lot of video clips flaunting her flawless figure and killer moves. The actress is the undisputed queen of mirror selfies, and she has proved it yet again with her sensuous picture in a dazzling outfit. Scroll down for details.
The actress has been in the Hindi film industry for almost a decade. She started her journey in 2016 with MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and Disha was paired opposite Sushant Singh Rajput. Disha won people’s hearts with her girl-next-door image. She has been working hard for the last several years but till now she has not been able to get success in films. However, when it comes to fashion, she is unbeatable, and her dedication to fitness is also very inspiring.
Disha Patani shares moments from her daily life including events and photoshoots. She recently posted a carousel of videos showcasing her amazing dancing skills at an event. Apart from her stunning dance steps, the actress caught our attention with her sizzling mirror-work outfit.
The glittering ensemble featured a bikini top that showcased her voluptuous assets through a plunging neckline. The tight top was paired with a matching asymmetrical mini skirt. The actress confidently flaunted her perfectly toned abs as she posed in front of the mirror. Her dark makeup complimented the look, while not drawing attention away from the dramatic outfit. Let us tell you that this outfit was for her performance.
The Kanguva star applied skin-like foundation which looked very smooth and soft. Disha Patani added nude blush and soft glam eye makeup to the look. She completed it with a nude tint on the lips. As for accessories, the actress wore silver hoop earrings and a few bracelets on one side, matching her silver outfit. She maintained her signature hairstyle, which was kept open and messy, showing off her natural waves.
Watch with excerpts from their performance here:
On the professional front, Disha Patani was last seen in the Tamil film Kanguva alongside Suriya and Bobby Deol.
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