Is it heartburn or heart disease? Experts explain the difference


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Is it heartburn or heart disease? Experts explain the difference

Chest pain after eating may be a sign of heartburn or heart problems. Heartburn often occurs after overeating, while heart problems such as angina or heart attack are more serious. Knowing the symptoms and understanding risk factors like age, diabetes or high blood pressure can help in seeking timely medical help.

Is it heartburn or heart disease? Experts explain the difference (Image credit: iStock)

Attending a festive feast at a family function and suddenly feeling chest pain can be worrying. Is it just heartburn, or could it indicate something more serious? According to Dr. Maya Balakrishnan, associate professor of gastroenterology at Baylor College of Medicine, understanding the difference between indigestion and potential heart problems could be life-saving.
As people age, the likelihood of experiencing either condition increases. “As we age, the muscles that control the esophagus weaken, increasing the risk of stomach acid backing up into the esophagus,” Balakrishnan explains. “Also, factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes increase the risk of heart disease.”
Here’s a description to help you recognize the symptoms of each condition:
Heartburn: the gastrointestinal culprit
Heartburn is usually associated with large meals or specific foods that trigger stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. This results in heartburn or a sour, metallic taste in the mouth.
“This is often diet-related or occurs when people lie down too soon after eating,” Balakrishnan said.
The main culprits of heartburn include:
– salty and spicy foods
– Tomato based dishes
– Chocolate
– Liquor
– caffeine
To avoid heartburn:
– Identify and avoid trigger foods.
– Opt for smaller meals.
– Take a walk after eating.
-Stay upright for three to four hours after meals.
If heartburn occurs, over-the-counter antacids or prescription medications such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers, which reduce stomach acid production, may provide relief.
When it’s more than heartburn: Heart trouble
Sometimes, chest pain may be a sign of a serious heart problem. Heart-related chest pain is often caused by angina, which occurs when the heart is not getting enough oxygen, or by a more serious event such as a heart attack.
These symptoms may occur during activity or at rest and may be accompanied by:
– difficulty breathing
– dizziness or lightheadedness
“We call this pain angina, which is a sign of problems with the blood supply to the heart,” Balakrishnan said. “Unlike heartburn, these conditions are potentially life-threatening.”
What to do?
If you have persistent chest pain, especially with risk factors like diabetes, smoking or high blood pressure, it is important to consult your doctor immediately. Knowing your cardiovascular risk and seeking medical advice promptly can prevent serious complications.
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