A adorable little girl is winning the heart online for her food confession. In the reel shared by Era Sinha, we get to hear the conversation between the young and his mother. The era begins by asking him urge, “Mummy, Dantogi Nahi Na? Bato na, Dantogi Toh Nahi? (Mummy, you won’t scold me, okay? Tell me that you won’t do). ,
The mother continued her inquiry (off-camera only). She asks the era what she will do by treatment. She just replies, “Fun will come (It will be fun.) “She keeps smiling widely. “What Khan Khan Khan Khan.” (Translates literally, “what, food meal food.” But in this context, it may suggest that it is bored with the same old food.) Take a look below:
Reel has been viewed 4.6 million times on Instagram so far. The official handle of the Blinkit took notice of this viral video. He commented, “Sahi baat hai maza aayega.” (“That’s correct, it would be fun.”) Many Instagram users were all hearts for the little girl and her expressions. Some of them compared him to themselves or others, whom they know. Some people surprised the behavior of “children” nowadays. Read some reactions here:
“So reliable.”
“I am confident that my mother looks exactly the same.”What Khan Khan Khan ‘F. ,
“Life is very small to argue, just say”Maja Aayega ‘ And move forward! ,
“He is very cute to go crazy.”
“Iti Advance Ho Genny Doonia.” (“The world has become advanced.”
Earlier, a child shown a cute video to snatch his mother’s fries. Click here to test it.
Also read: Nursery children’s adorable video is seen 15 million times by sharing your favorite foods