What is the policy of dying. Karnataka has allowed terminal patients to allow sick patients to eliminate life support?
Karnataka has approved inactive euthanasia, which is align for sick patients with the direction of the Supreme Court. According to the order, the policy applies to people with incurable diseases or there is no chance of recovery during life support. Read to know more about it.
This policy applies to people with incurable diseases or there is no chance of recovery on life support
The Karnataka Health Department has implemented the Supreme Court order, which gives patients the right to die with dignity with passive euthanasia. in order to do, Policy applies to people with incurable diseases Or there is no chance of recovery during life support.
The new rules suggest that a two-step medical review process will decide every matter with the help of a primary board of three doctors. The board will assess the patient’s condition. Subsequently, with a secondary board, three doctors and a government -appointed doctor, the report will review the findings before sending the report to the top court. If the court approved, life support will be withdrawn under medical supervision, so that the patient will have to undergo peace.
According to the guidelines, the process begins only after the family request.
Taking X in X, Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao wrote: “It will benefit the people who have no hope of recovery, or in a frequent vegetation state, and where the patient is now benefited from life-free treatment Does not happen.”
“We have also come out with an advance medical instruction, or a living wish, in which a patient can record his desires for his medical treatment in the future. This will bring important steps Big relief and dignified feeling of closure For many families and individuals, “Rao said.
The move has focused on preventing prolonged pain for patients with irreversible conditions to focus the Supreme Court.
What do Supreme Court orders say?
Copy states: “Any neurologist, neurosurgeon, surgeon, anesthetist, or intended, who have been approved by the Cubicted Authority under sub -section 6 of the transplant of human organs and tissues Act, 1994, under the sub -section 6 of the transplantation of 1994, the Amendment Act 2011 Read with, to make, part of the board of medical experts for certification of brain-stem death, will be nominated as medical doctors registered by the District Health Officer of the district who can work as a member of the Secondary Medical Board .
“The hospital in which the patient is being treated should establish primary and secondary medical boards, which includes three registered medical doctors, such as a neurologist, neurosurgeon, surgeon, anesthetist, or intended who by the appropriate authority Has been approved (under transplant (Human organs and Tissue Act, 1994). The Secondary Medical Board should also have a registered medical businessman nominated by the District Health Officer. Will decide regarding primary and secondary medical boards Reconsideration treatment After obtaining the consent of a person named in the advance medical instruction of the next family or patient’s advance medical instructions in the order of the Health Department, the order of the Health Department said.
What is passive euthanasia,
Euthanasia is the practice of deliberately eliminating a person’s life to relieve pain. It may also allow a person to die by withdrawing treatment or withdrawing artificial life support.
The passive is euthanasia when the life-democracy treatment is withdrawn. Some ways to do this include:
Withdraw treatment
For example, closing a machine that keeps a person alive so that they die of their illness.
Reconsideration treatment
For example, not doing surgery that will expand life for a short time.
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Policy applies to people with incurable diseases
What is passive euthanasia
Withdraw treatment
Reconsideration treatment
Big relief and dignified feeling of closure