Mental health
Why ‘No’ is a complete sentence: a mental health guide for self-value
When you don’t mean you are tired of saying yes? This guide helps you to please people, determine the boundaries and free you from standing for yourself-Mark-free!
Image – Canva
Ever nodd yourself with something that you completely disagree? Or are you agreeing to help when you look at your favorite show? If yes, you can suffer from a case of chronic inaction – a sorrow that is deficiency of you Self -determination Like a phone battery at 1%.
But don’t worry! You are not wasted for the life of silent sorrow. Here is told how to get rid of being a human dormat and start standing for himself without feeling guilty.
1. Identify that you matter
First things first- Your thoughts, feelings and opinions are important as someone else. If you constantly finalize yourself, you are strengthening the idea that you are not worth taking place. Okay, you do! Start reminding yourself daily that your voice is valid. Perhaps call it in a mirror as well.
2. Say “No” without 500-word explanation
You don’t need to justify yourself boundaries With ted talk. If something does not work for you, then a simple “not, thanks” is enough. If thought Saying no You sweat, first practice with small things. Reject one spoon of someone’s suspected homemade soup. Refuse your stapler to lend to the colleague who never returns it. Construction for big stuff!
3. Stop apologizing for existing
Are you one of those who apologize when someone collides with you? Highly The message sends that you believe that you are a disturbed. Instead of defaulting for “sorry”, try to swap it for “thanks”. For example, instead of “sorry I am let”, say, “Thanks for waiting.”
4. Make decisions without stopping
If you are always waiting for permission, you will be waiting forever. Should you order pasta or salad, just choose another one. The more you practice making options, the more confident you will trust yourself.
5. Work like the main character
Imagine your life as a film where you are the main, not extra into someone else’s story. Will a confident main character allow people walk on them? No! They move steps, determine the boundaries, and embrace their strangeness.
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boundariesSaying no