Woman dies of electrocution while taking out phone from charging; Know ways to protect yourself from electrical hazards


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Woman dies of electrocution while taking out phone from charging; Know ways to protect yourself from electrical hazards

A 22-year-old woman from Ballia, Uttar Pradesh died due to electric shock while removing her mobile phone from charging. According to police officials, she received an electric shock and was glued to her phone before her family arrived to rescue her. Despite being taken to the primary health centre, he was declared dead. Read on to know how to provide medical aid when someone gets an electric shock.

Electric shock occurs when someone has direct contact with a high-voltage current flowing through the body.

A young woman died after getting an electric shock while removing her phone, which she had put on charge, in a village in Uttar Pradesh’s Ballia district, police said. According to reports, the 22-year-old received an electric shock early in the morning and was taken to a primary health centre, where she was declared brought dead.
News reports say it could be caused by either faulty wiring or increased power levels.

What causes electric shock?,

According to experts, electric shock occurs when someone has direct contact with high-voltage current flowing through the body. There are many things that can cause shock, including:
  • get hit by lightning
  • contact downed power lines
  • inserting fingers or objects into an electrical socket
  • Touching damaged or damaged electrical wires or equipment
  • Touching an overloaded electrical outlet

Symptoms and signs of shock

Doctors say the signs and symptoms of electric shock vary depending on the type and amount of voltage you’re exposed to. Some of these include:
  • numbness and tingling
  • burns
  • seizure
  • irregular heartbeat
  • Irregular breathing or shortness of breath
  • vision or hearing problems
  • muscle cramps
  • Headache
  • lose consciousness
  • heart failure

Many of the symptoms caused by touching a broken kitchen appliance cord are usually much less severe than those caused by high voltage shock from sources such as power lines or lightning.

What type of first aid should be given to a person who receives an electric shock?

When a person has severe burns, doctors can treat the burned person. However, make sure to follow these steps:
  • Check the person visually but do not touch them immediately, as they may send an electrical current to you if they are still connected to an electrical source.
  • Call emergency services immediately.
  • Check the main power source and turn it off whenever possible.
  • When you are sure you will be safe from electric shock, check the victim’s breathing and pulse.
  • If breathing has stopped, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR.
  • If the victim’s breathing is slowing down, make him lie down with his legs elevated. Bring the head slightly below the torso.
  • Do not treat any burned areas or remove clothing until help arrives.
  • Do not touch the burnt area, break blisters, or remove burnt clothing, as electrical shock can cause burns inside the body, so make sure the person is taken to a doctor first.

How to do Protect yourself from electrical hazards,

Whenever you’re at home, make sure to:
  • Never touch any electrical circuits and equipment with wet hands and be sure to turn off the power at the main breaker or fuse at the service panel.
  • Never turn the power on or off or use electrical tools or equipment while standing in water.
  • If you notice frayed wires or sparks or bad odor, be sure to turn off the electrical system immediately.
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